Stabilization Program
Helping the families we serve not only succeed today but remain stable in their housing, financial capability and career paths tomorrow.

Workforce development. Partners in Housing. Financial capability. Health and wellness. Homelessness has many causes and housing stability involves many solutions. Family Promise Affiliates have developed and implemented more than 1,000 different programs that address every aspect of stabilization. Stabilization means providing continued support and wrap-around services to families that have exited the shelter.
Some get to the heart of core needs, such as childcare and job training, that families face in order to regain self-sufficiency. Other initiatives find ways to match the strengths of local volunteers and the interests of local corporations with the needs of our guests, like financial literacy and mentoring. Similarly, many initiatives build off core tenets of the foundational shelter program itself, leading to efforts like food assistance, furniture and clothing donation, and health and wellness programs.
Our objective is not just to find homes for families, but also to ensure that they can stay in those homes. The Stabilization Project aims to achieve this through five main goals:
1. Providing families with all the necessary resources to maintain their financial stability.
2. Ensuring that families' health goals are managed and maintained.
3. Helping families keep all the benefits they are eligible for.
4. Supporting children's educational needs, including childcare, while encouraging parental education and development.
5. Ensuring that families can keep their homes for the entire year of service.
The key to success is to identify the specific needs of the local community and leverage the diverse resources offered by our volunteer pool and partnerships. This approach has led to families no longer being at risk of homelessness.
The stabilization practice prioritizes and safeguards the independence of families. At every step of the process, families are given agency. Families with a high assessment number receive monthly house checks, along with incentives such as hygiene items, cleaning supplies, and other in-kind donations that would improve their situation.
Key to this is identifying needs specific to the local community and tapping into the diverse resources our volunteer pool and partnerships provide. Client incentives to participate include monthly events top of the list at our toy drive, back to school perks, gift cards for milestones, access to agency to agency financial referrals, and updates on community events and classes. The result is families no longer at risk of homelessness.
And, even more importantly, through programs we have launched for tenancy preparation, micro-entrepreneurship, and virtual career pathway training, Affiliates create the basis for security and stability that separates families from poverty and allows them and their children to aspire to the future every child deserves.