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Ever wondered what it's like to spend the night outside in the cold? That's what Coldest Night of the Year is about!

Writer's picture: Aubrey BrickerAubrey Bricker

“There has never been a more important time to support our most vulnerable families. Starbucks is proud to continue to work with Coldest Night of the Year, raising critical awareness and funding for those in need, while connecting people virtually through the power of service.” -- Starbucks

    GOAL: With your help, our goal is to raise $20,000 by February 24, 2024!


    HOW: To accomplish our goal, we're looking for 15 team captains (of all shapes, sizes and ages) who will recruit 7-8 friends to their team, with a goal of raising $2000 per team. Each member on your team can set of goal of finding 5 people to donate to their campaign.


    BEANIE BONUS: Every walker who raises either $75 (youth 17 and under) or $150 (for adults) gets our famous Coldest Night winter beanie as thanks for being amazing fundraisers

How To CAPTAIN a Team for Family Promise of lawton. Once you've registered, your team and name will show up on the Scoreboard and on our location page too! (Note: it takes 5-10 minutes to appear.)

    Visit and click the big REGISTER button

    Create your new account (or sign in to your account from last year)

    Select the LOCATION where you’ll be walking and continue

    Click to accept the WAIVER and continue


          Name your team (and write a brief description)

          Accept or increase your fundraising goal (this can be edited later!)


Once you’ve registered, your team will show up on our CHARITY PAGE, which is:

You can begin recruiting team members and raising funds immediately!




How to JOIN a TEAM for Family Promise

If you would like to walk with us but don’t want to start a team, please join our general team called FPOL Supporters:


    Visit and click the big REGISTER button

    Create your new account (or sign in to your account from last year)

    Select the LOCATION where you’ll be walking and continue

    Click to accept the WAIVER and continue

    Click JOIN A TEAM (or register individually if you wish and join a team later)

    Search for FPOL Supporters by name

          Select that team from the list and proceed to complete registration­

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